Sleeping with the Wrong Partner in Bed

A man sleeping with phone in bed. Phones mess up your sleep cycle high time.

Sleeping with the Wrong Partner in Bed

She’s interesting.

She is mischievous.

You spend most of your time with her.

She knows your deepest desires.

Sleep with her & she will keep you up all night.

She may even ruin your life before you know it.

You may think, she is a woman. but it’s not a woman.

By she, I mean your phone.

Your phone is the worst partner to sleep beside at night.

You keep your phone beside you in bed…

You try sleeping. But you don’t.

Ok’ let me see some youtube or reel, or maybe the first episode of a tv series….

Few minutes in, the next thing you know is it’s 4:30 AM and you haven’t slept.

This sloppiness is carried forward, you wake up at 10 AM. You feel lazy and drowsy. By the time you had breakfast, it’s already afternoon.

In fact, this review of 20 studies, found that the use of phones at bedtime leads to poor sleep quality and quantity, as well as “excessive sleepiness” during the day.

Days goes by, you’re procrastinating on the important tasks or doing them with very less productivity. Never finishing the tasks…

If you didn’t stay up all night mindlessly using your phone, things would’ve been different.

If you slept on time, things would’ve been different.

If you slept at the time, you hit the bed, you’d have quality sleep, a fresh morning with more time, focus & energy.

So stop sleeping with the wrong partner (phone) in bed. It will fix your sleep routine.

Keep your phone away on the desk or hide it in a cupboard.

This will ensure 2 things,.

  • You will not use phone in bed, & eventually you’ll sleep on time.
  • When you wake up, you don’t check your phone first thing in the morning & waste another hour in bed.

Stop placing your phones beside you at bedtime, coz you know how it will end. Take lil actions, make minor changes to your routine & I’m sure it will reward you big time.

If you read this far, you may also like another post keep your damn phone away while working.

Hope this helps you,


Vignan Kurme.

Ps: Bw you and me, Sleep with a book or Kindle 😅


Exploring My Full Potential & Helping others along the way.

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