On: Writing about experiences


On: Writing about experiences

  • Post author:
  • Post last modified:September 14, 2020
  • Post category:Blog
  • Post comments:2 Comments

It’s Sunday morning (13-09-20), Here I am trying to write my
‘1st perfect blog post’.

I thought writing about my experiences is easy.

I’ve been to an English medium school, “I can do it”, I thought.

then I tried,

& I realized it’s not that easy. It’s not.

Maybe, it was never supposed to be easy, I guess.

Coz I’ve never done it before.


I think its unfair, unfair to expect yourself, to be magically talented at everything, the master of all, without ever putting an inch of effort into it.

These Unfair expectations paralyze us from doing, doing what you’ve always wanted to do!

Expect less, Start small, Do it & Do it more often & eventually

You can’t help but become better at it.


Exploring My Full Potential & Helping others along the way.

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