On: Brushing Teeth with Left Hand: Benefits of the awkward habit

brushing teeth with left hand

On: Brushing Teeth with Left Hand: Benefits of the awkward habit

👈🔼Yeah! One teeth baby here is holding brush with the left hand, but why? Ever thought of brushing with the left hand?

The first time I tried, I felt really awkward. Brushing teeth with your non-dominant hand is messy and hard. You might feel like a baby trying to brush, with the brush all over the face.

I wouldn’t have bothered to write about it if it didn’t have some amazing benefits.

You know, this simple exercise can quickly wake up your sleepy brain, give you a creativity boost, and can keep your brain fit.

As you know, the right-hand side of the brain controls your left side and the left-hand side of the brain controls the right.

When you’re brushing with the left hand, you’re stimulating the right brain which is responsible for the brain’s cognitive and creative functions. It’s like a Lil brain exercise. wake up baba!

Research done by Lawrence Katz of Duke University found that simple exercises like brushing teeth with the non-dominant hand are effective in keeping the seniors’ minds fit as they age.

Playing never-ending games to keep your brain super active? Then you should try this, just try brushing with your non-dominant hand. 😉

Vignan K.


Exploring My Full Potential & Helping others along the way.

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