Keep your damn phone away!

Keep your damn phone away!

Yes! Keep the damn phone away while you’re working…

or else you’ll be using it half the time.

You know, I wish I can do this more often, I wish I keep my phone away while I’m working.

Phones take up all our day. Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, twitter… all of these are like quicksand. Once you get it, they’ll pull you deep inside.

A woman being pulled in by quick sand is like social media pulling us in. Keep your phone away to have more productive hours.
Quicksand pulling in a woman.

Phone & social media not only drain your valuable time, but they also drain you out of your mental capacity.

You no longer want to work on thinks you’ve planned to work on.

They leave you tired, hopeless, depressed … like a vampire who sucked all the blood from you.

In-fact, in the book Make Time the author refers to social media as infinity pools. He argues that infinity pools take up so much of our time that in the end we’re left with no time to do anything we wanted.

How to save your time & mental capacity:

1. Keep your phone away:

Literally keep your phone away from your workspace.

The farther the better.

Keep it in a cupboard or in another room.

This little friction between your phone and your workspace can guarantee you at least few hours of quality focused & productive time.

I’ve known this strategy from a very long time, but knowing it is not enough to get result. You gotta apply what you know.

I wish I applied it more often, I hope to apply it more from now.

Trust me & Try it, it works.

2. Uninstall social media :

Uninstall the apps that provide endless content, hooks you in and leaves you energy deprived.

Do not worry, You can still use the browser version of the apps occasionally during the day.

The trick here is the user interface in browser version is not that great, so it will be least appealing to visit and use more often.

3. Have a “no phone” sign at your workspace:

Have a no phone sign at your workspace and remember to keep your phone away and get more shit done

It’s funny, but we often forget what we already know.

We forget, even though it’s important. We forget, even though it could be life changing.

So a trigger like “no phone” sign at your desk, can help you remember to keep your phone away.

I hope this works for you as it certainly did for me.

If you like this post you may certainly like another post on how to spark creative flow and get things done easier way.

Wishing you the best…




Exploring My Full Potential & Helping others along the way.

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