A Simple Trick to Magically Transform Your Burden into a Privilege

How to transform burden into privilege , a have to vs get to guide

A Simple Trick to Magically Transform Your Burden into a Privilege

In 333 words, you’ll learn!

  1. How reframing your have to’s to get to’s can significantly improve your mood, even on bad days.
  2. Practical examples to apply in your life.
  3. Doing what you love is not always a happy honeymoon.😂

You got the job you dreamed of all your life.
But you had a bad day and you lost all the interest you had in the job.
Everything you have to do feels like a burden.


You must’ve started doing what you love, finally!
And a few days in and you realized that doing what you love is not always a happy honeymoon.

The things we have to do may feel like a burden sometimes.

Ever felt like this,  
I have to do this, and I have to do that, oh sh*t! It's a lot. I hate this.

Well, you can’t change what you have to do, but you can always change you’re perspective towards them and it will sure make things easier.

Here’s the trick: Reframe your “Have to’s into “Get to’s” :

Here’s some examples :

1. If you’re a blogger:

  • Instead of saying, Oh! I have to write this blog post.
  • Say, I get to write this blog post. I get to convey my thoughts to the world & find like-minded people.

2. If you’re a programmer:

  • Instead of saying, Oh! I have to get this program done.
  • Say, I get to do this program, improve my skill and also have solid pay by the end of the month.

3. If you’re an author or a wanna be :

  • Instead of saying: Oh! I have to write this book.
  • I get to write this book and let the world know the story or importance of x topic.

4. If you’re traveling :

  • Instead of saying: Oh! I have to travel 1500 km (HYD to DHN)
  • Say, I get to travel, see nature and wonderful landscapes, and experience more of life and culture.

5. If you’re learning a new skill:

  • Instead of saying: Oh! I have to learn this skill x code
  • Say, I get to learn the skill, at my own pace and comfort and achieve my dreams and goals.

6. If you’re a student :

  • Instead of saying I have to go to classes.
  • Say, I get to go to classes & graduate from a fantastic college & also be eligible for almost all the job profiles.

7. If you’re an employee:

  • Instead of saying, Oh! It’s Monday and I have to work today.
  • Say, It’s Monday and I get to work today. There are many unemployed people out there who would switch positions with me in a second.

8. If you’re trying a new Habit:

  • Instead of saying, Oh! I have to wake up early.
  • Say, I get to wake up early and enjoy the soothing breeze & use the extra time to do what I love.

9. If you’re a model :

  • Instead of saying, Oh! I have to wear all the make up and change dress mulitple times.
  • Say, I get to look like a princess at no cost of my own.

10. If you’re a doctor or nurse :

  • Instead of saying, Oh! I have to go to the hospital and See the sick.
  • Say, I get to help x serve people in need, the noblest profession, and also get paid for that.

11. If you’re an artist :

  • Instead of saying, Oh! I have to draw or write a song.
  • Say, I get to bring something to life from a complete nothing.

Every time you reframe your “Have to’s” into “Get to’s“, you’re converting your burden into a privilege.

Vignan Kurme.


Exploring My Full Potential & Helping others along the way.

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