The Subtle Art of Sucking at Everything

the subtle art of sucking at everything

The Subtle Art of Sucking at Everything

The things we’re trained to be good in the school (like law, engineer, doctor) aren’t essentially the things we want to be doing right now.

This keeps us in a weird situation to start like a kid who’s just born. Trying to walk x slay things you want to be doing is hard. Give yourself permission to suck in the beginning.

If you’re writing: Give yourself permission to suck at writing. Write every day. Even though you see your writing is bad, even though you feel it’s useless.

Quality matters but in the beginning, you should focus on quantity.

If you write daily, You will eventually figure out ways to make your writing best. But if you keep on planning to perfect your writing, you’re never gonna hit publish.

If you are thinking of beginning something, give yourself space to suck in the beginning.

Its so easy to get paralized by the thought of PerfectingxPerfection.


If you wanna be Blogger: Your first 100 Blog posts will suck.

If you wanna be a YouTuber: Your first 100 YouTube videos will be nightmares.

If you wanna be a Comedian: Your first 100 jokes will suck.

If you wanna be an Influencer: Your first 100 posts will suck.

If you wanna be a Podcaster: Your first 100 podcasts will suck.

If you wanna be a Freelancer: Your first 100 gigs will suck.

If you wanna be a Speaker: Your first 30 public talks will suck.

If you wanna be Artist: Your first 50 paintings will suck.

If you wanna be a Musician: Your first 100 hands-on guitar will suck.

If you wanna be a Marketer: Your first 100 ad ideas will suck.

If you wanna be a Fashion designer: Your first 100 designs will suck.

If you wanna be Singer: Your first 100 songs will suck.

If you wanna be an Author: Your first 5 books will suck.

If you’re in sales: Your first 100 calls will suck.

No matter how smart you are, we all suck in the beginning.

Its ok to be not good at something you’ve never done before.

Its ok to suck, because its just the beginning.

Eventually & evidently, you will get better in time with practice and patience.

By the time you reach the 100th postmark, you’ll already be producing quality work that the world not only recognizes but also appreciates and will thank you for it.

You will make a difference in people’s life. But until then Embrace the suck.

Get over the first 100 as fast as you can.

Focus on the quantity in the beginning and get over the inner fears. Get over perfectionism, fear of judgment xxx.
(Like what others will think of me – my work isn’t worth their attention, it sucks – I shouldn’t post – it’s not perfect blah blah blah).


Vignan Kurme.


Exploring My Full Potential & Helping others along the way.

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