The Power of Autobiographies and Kindle Night Routine.

The Power of Autobiographies and Kindle Night Routine.

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  • Post last modified:January 20, 2021
  • Post category:Blog
  • Post comments:2 Comments

The world we live in right now is rapidly progressing.

There is no comfort zone to remain calm for a few days in a row. Obstacle after obstacle. The world is so pushy.

Where do we muster endless courage to move ahead, progress forward in life & battle through many obstacles (not only the outside ones but also the mental barriers)?

How do we prevent ourselves from burnout and depression?

Ever wondered why most successful people stress the importance of reading books.

Well here is one of the major reasons, it’s the power of autobiographies.

The world made a god-like picture for few legends who walked the earth, we often look up to them and their principles, their quotes.

But when you read their autobiography, you see that they were no different than you. You, I, and the legends do go through similar struggles in life.

Reading the autobiographies fuels all the courage you need to conquer your day.

As you read, you step into their shoes, walk their path and you digest their experiences like yours, You will never make the mistakes they made, you never forget the principles they learned and also you steal a part of their courage to add it into yours.

Their stories ignite the natural push you’ve always dreamed of.

You steal from the best people who walked the earth, yet this stealing is no crime.

You can leverage the experiences and courage to win the bottlenecks in your life.

The best time to read autobiographies is at night.

Remember the time when you felt, ” Oh, whenever I open my book I feel sleepy”.

Yeah, that’s the sole-side purpose,

Reading in kindle is distraction-free and there is no blue light so no more tech affecting sleep.

If you don’t have a kindle, buy it. You will never regret it.

People who have a kindle, read more.

If you already own one, then keep it on your bedside.

Every time you go to bed, open up your kindle and read few pages of your favorite man’s autobiography or biography.

Steal their experiences and gain a part of their courage, fuel it to conquer the days ahead.

And also… when you’re few minutes in, you will feel sleepy coz of reading. and will have a good night’s sleep. 🙂



Exploring My Full Potential & Helping others along the way.

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