I’m Quitting Instagram

I’m Quitting Instagram

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  • Post last modified:January 31, 2021
  • Post category:Blog
  • Post comments:2 Comments

The Instagram reels feature is addictive. I consume lots of Anime (Naruto, Attack on Titan, Dragon ball z etc) memes & bike stunt reels.

I wake up, check my Instagram app, spend the early hour consuming content, mostly gratifying but insanely useless.

During the day, I unconsciously tap on the app several times, and the next hour evaporates into the thin air, I have no control over schedule or how I feel.

At night, I lay in bed and use IG as if I’m binge-watching a show on Netflix.

Things are running completely opposite to how I assumed my dream lifestyle to be. It’s messing up both my night and morning routine.

Feeling Lazy after Binging Instagram memes, reels, and IG TV :

The sessions after IG are pretty lazy, lust-filled, or tired.

I wannabe a content creator and watching the viral stuff done so elegantly by people makes me wonder if I could be any good at all.

The more I consume, the more I feel shit. Even though I’m blessed by the lord & even though I’ve got everything, I feel bad for not living an Instagram showoff kinda lifestyle.

Its not motivating me, its not encouraging, its not boosting my confidence. Then why the hell am I opening the app once every 30 mins, I wonder.

Staying in Touch with friends without the app :

Occasionally I can use the browser to know what’s happening and stay in touch with the friends I have on IG.

The browser usage is not fun, and that’s what I need.

You know, creating friction can help break bad habits and addictions.

So now, I have to open the browser, open instagram.com, and settle to the average user interface if I wanna use IG. I’m making the habit not so satisfying and also increasing the friction to use.

Hoping to dust off this bad habit as soon as possible.

Scared of what the hundred followers think of me :

I dream of creating content to millions of people, mostly educating. But it often bothers me, what my friends would think of me, what few hundreds of followers I have, will think of me.

I am not sure how I can battle and overcome that fear head-on, but without the app, I can avoid the war and stick to my thing, writing and publishing every day.

Hootsuite for scheduling IG posts :

Hootsuite is app used to shedule the posts for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn.

I’ve made the setup, so even though I might not be using Instagram during the day, I can still schedule posts at any time. I also believe that scheduling posts are the best way to stay consistent with posting regularly.

For example, if you want to post a throwback every Thursday, you can select 4-5 old photos and write the captions and schedule them for the next month. No more going through all the photos every Thursday, thinking hard about captions and hashtags and most importantly procrastinating on posting. Posting is fun and easy when you Schedule.


Exploring My Full Potential & Helping others along the way.

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