How to Make Best Friend Out of a Stranger Even if You are an Introvert

how to make new best friend out of a stranger and how to make interesting converstations with new people.

How to Make Best Friend Out of a Stranger Even if You are an Introvert

How I Made a New Best Friend Out of a Mutual Friend.

I have a mutual friend, he is a big introvert.

and then Here I am, an introvert too.

“Hi”, I said.

“Hey”, he replied uncomfortably.

I was hoping he would talk about something.

Then we were dead silent for few minutes.

The silence was awkward. So I took a step and asked him, “What are you up to these days?”

He said, “I’m working on dropshipping and copywriting.”

He didn’t knew I was into copywriting.

“You know something,” I said, “I took soo many courses on copywriting, who do you follow?”

And surprisingly, we talked, we talked for the next 2 hrs about best books and online courses, dropshipping, affiliate marketing, lifestyle…. an on and on & we didn’t notice the time passing.

Conversation was suddenly fun and deep.

Then we started hanging out and now he is really one of my close friends & I am glad we found the commonality.

You see this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t ask him “what are you up to.”

I’m an Introvert is an Excuse :

Introverted’ness is not a personality trait. It’s more of a conditional behavior.

You don’t feel like an introvert when you’re around your best friends, the conversations go long and never boring.

You’re silent & feel like an introvert only when you don’t know people around you. When you don’t know that you have interests in common.

I’m an introvert is an excuse. You have nothing in common to talk about is the real deal.

Find what you both have in common & you’ll make a new best friend out of a mutual friend or even a complete stranger.

Finding common interests while talking to strangers and curing silent pauses.

The sooner you find what you both have in common, the more interesting conversation you’ll have and of course, fewer pauses with silence.

A good way to find common interests is to ask questions like,

  1. “So, what are you upto /working on these days?
  2. Do you watch anime/ Netflix?
  3. What your dream lifestyle look like?
  4. Do you read/what’s your favorite book?
  5. Do you smoke/ wanna smoke?

More of 100 Getting to Know You Questions here.

Your goal is not to ask 100 questions to keep the conversation alive. Your goal is to find a few common interests to get going and see where it leads.

Remember, every best friend or special one was once a stranger to you. Give a fair chance to know new people.

Vignan Kurme


Exploring My Full Potential & Helping others along the way.

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