First Things First After Graduation!

First Things First After Graduation!

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  • Post last modified:January 16, 2021
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You’ll know,

  1. How I discovered metal cheat code, that aced my studies.
  2. The book Idea I’m working on, after graduation.
  3. The tricky way to bunk school (If you have Asthama).

It’s been 4 months since I graduated from one of the prestigious IITs. Or should I say, It’s been 4 months being a VIP (like Dhanush in Raghuvaran BTech).

Whenever people find out that I’m an IITian, they instantly expect me to be smart, clever, and kinda genius. Am I? Never felt like it.

In fact, when I was a kid I had a hard time in school. I had a terrible memory.

I read the answer at least 5 times, written it down on paper so I can imprint it in my brain & then followed by countless revisions. I revised the previous answer every time I learn a new one.

I knew what was in the answer, I knew the story, I could understand the topics but remembering them was a nightmare.

And our school stood on its principle, “If you don’t read, we will beat your ass up”!.

I made all the non-sense excuses to bunk the school, and stay home.

One of the all-time best excuses was Asthama, 30 mins before waking up, I would breathe in a certain way that with every breathe comes out asthma sound (like trouble in lungs breathing). My mom would have no choice but let me stay home, in her observation.

My dad watched me close, he knew I was getting good grades but not enough to dream big, or confident enough for the big stuff.

Things changed, actually, my life turned around, when I saw a poster on the roadside, “Mind Power” written on it.

Free induction on Sunday, it read.

I went to the induction, it blew my mind. I saw a little girl recalling random stuff 10-100X times better than me. How is it even possible. I thought “I’m older, I should have a better memory than her”.

I was desperate to know how she did it, I wanted to know the science and the tricks behind “How we remember & How can we better remember”. I never knew things like that existed, until then.

Learning them, made my life infinitely easier. The hard topics were never hard again. Things I struggled to remember, pop in my brain as if I read them 100 times.

I literally felt it like a superpower. I never shared those with any friend, worried they might outsmart me. It was like a cheat code. I was scared they might find out.

But now, I’ve reached my dreams. & the first thing I wanted to do after graduating is to write about it.

Write about the things that helped me, the cheat codes, the tools, the techniques, the planning, & the struggle. Hope they will help you, in making your dreams come true. It’s easy when you have a better memory.

Writing a book, especially non-fiction really feels like a mess. I have no experience, I feel like a kid who is trying to walk for the first time.

I hope I am not using this book writing as an excuse to live a chill lifestyle (mostly lazy).

I intend to share the major concepts of my book, here with you.

Let’s see how the f*ck it will turn out.



Exploring My Full Potential & Helping others along the way.

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