I never jumped out off the bed at 6 am and said 

Hurray! It’s a new day” 

It’s a Myth, waking up early sucks but the benefits are Groundbreaking & Life-changing. No doubt why the 1% are early risers. 

In the just 520 words, You’ll learn,

How Alarmy helped me to wake up early for 200 days straight in college days.

How to use to devotion/inspiration to turn off the sleepiness.

For people who are planning to work on their ideas or hobbies, but never found time.

Getting out off the bed with Alarmy : Snoozy Lazy

I am a lazy guy & I would always love to have an extra hour of sleep in the morning. So it’s expected of me if I say “I snooze down my alarm till 10 am”.

I figured out that if I ever try to wake up early all by myself, it’s gonna be an utter failure. 

The days skip by me without doing anything productive, if I don’t wake up early.

But here’s the thing, if you are aware of your weakness you can always use technology to find an other way. 

Trust me, It’s the Devil’s alarm :

Alarmy is by far the best alarm app I’ve ever used. It’s used by almost 40 million people. Best thing about it is you can’t turn off alarm until you complete one of the choice missions.

Solve a Math Problem to turn off the alarm : 

Wake up your brain, as well as your body. Solve some math to stop your alarm! 

I used this feature during college to help myself wake up early in the morning for 200 days straight. Yes, I even posted stories on my Instagram. It works, you should try it. 

During the pandemic, I grew up too lazy and eventually I got to a point where I do the math, turn off the alarm and sleep like a baby. So I transitioned to another feature.

Using my Devotion in Lord Shiva to wake up early : 

Take a Picture to turn off the alarm : 

I set the photo of Lord Shiva for this feature. So every morning, Alarm rings at 6 am, I pick up my phone,  Sleep walk to the kitchen where the photo is & take the snap to turn off the alarm.

I might be lazy but I am also a huge devotee of Lord Shiva & I prayed him countless times over 22 yrs of my life. There is a deep belief system inside me. 

There is no way in the hell that could still go and sleep in the bed. 

Doing this not only forces me out of the bed but also knock some sense into about what I am doing or what I should be doing next. 

For you it could be anything 

    • photo of the god you believe in.
    • photo of the person who inspires you the most. 
    • It could be just the photo of wash basin to remind you to wash your face to dust off the sleepiness. 

Fail-Proofing the strategy with Rewards

The battle with sleep isn’t over until you wash your face with water & give yourself rewards for making the right decision to stay awake instead of sleeping in bed again. 


In my case it’s listening to favorite songs on spotify & feeling the cool morning breeze, it’s soo soothing. I love it. & coffee too.

Rewards are really important if you want to stick to your habits. 
James clear does it best when he explains about the science of habit making here.

Every one loves an extra hour of sleep in the morning & it’s true getting out of sleep early in the morning is hard.

But when you dust off the last bit of sleep, It’s a beautiful day you’d want to relive.

When you pair an app that forces you out of bed , a strategy to knock some conscious into the sleepy you & reward from the science of habit making, I believe even the laziest guy can wake up early.

Use it, explore what works for you & take advantage of the extra hours to work on your ideas, hobby, or skill. 

In my case it’s reading more research articles for the book that I want to write or finish writing a blog post like the one you are reading now. 

If this app can help a lazy guy like me to wake up early for 200 days straight, 

I truly believe that it can help you too.


PS : If you’ve read this far, I think you’ll love my Newsletter that I am gonna launch by the end of this month.  It’s Free. Do Subscribe 💌.