Ever dragged yourself to finish the work at hand? Soo many times right!..

And mostly it’s not coz you don’t love what you’re doing, but becz the world of tech & media is so demon’ously distracting.

Even working on something you Love can be boring and feel like a burden if you’re not in the right mood.

Well Chillax! Coz there were also some moments.

Do you remember the time when you worked for hours but it didn’t feel like a burden?

as-if you got lost into doing your stuff & you just forgot the world around you.

Yes! There were times like that right, when you went all-in & you loved it.

Let’s call it the Creative Flow state.

The state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it.

Sparking the creative flow state whenever you want to, is like a gift that can really come in handy if you have a lot of pending projects you’re trying to work on. You can purposefully make it to work for you, make your work way easier than you think. 

Like ex : 

  • Creating content for the page you started.
  • Starting your YouTube channel & creating videos.
  • Working on your business idea.
  • getting better at skill you love. or
  • Working on the product that will help thousands of people.
  • Preparing for a high profile exam.
  • Setting up & launching your website that you postponed for ages.

You’re work could be anything… & trust me when you spark the creative flow of your’s, It’s gonna be incredibly easier to get things done. 

This post is about  the 3 times where I accidentally got into flow state.

What I learned from them & how you can choose to tap into the creative flow state of yours & get things done.


The website homepage :

A few months back, when I was in college, I was desperately trying to craft my homepage & I had to write my story, that resonates with others. & giving words to the thoughts in my brain, felt like a real burden. 

One day I started working on it & I forgot to pause the podcast I was listening to. It was Jim Rohn’s podcast & it was running all the time, while I was gathering ideas & crafting them into words. I lost track of time & worked for straight 4 hrs without taking any breaks. I finished writing a part of it & felt amazing. 

So next day I decided to experiment, let’s see if it will work again what do I have to loose. Played his podcast on low volume in the background as I started working. Guess what! It worked again.

Ever since that moment, I’ve been using that trick to get me into the right mood for work.

Even as I am writing this , I am hearing the podcast in the background with a low volume. 

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like multi-tasking, It’s always on low volume. 

It prevents me from distracting & never fail to preserve my focus for hours.

Find someone that resonates with you & your ideas & listen to their words as you work on your craft,on low volume. 

Project viva :

During the pandemic, I had a lot of time to prepare for the project viva. 

But guess what, I postponed it till the very end & one day the professor called me and said: 
“I am going to take your project viva today at 8 pm & be prepared”.

I had only few hours to prepare. & took out the project report and started going through it. Few moments in and I was sucked into it. Going through what we’ve done so far, what could’ve been done better, the terminology & the concepts, googling & re-learning everything & discussing with my partner Navin who made the PPT & most of our team project work. I did better than I expected in the viva.

  • The sense of urgency,
  • The deadlines
  • The fear of failing
  • The crystal clear clarity of what you want to accomplish in the given limited hours.

often works wonders & triggers the flow.

That’s why we don’t complain about motivation a night before the exam.

Plan & create pseudo deadlines for topics.

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo :

I’ve read many books so-far , but never did I find another book like Everything is Figureoutable.

The book is about Marie Forleo’s journey to becoming one of the best copywriters, how she monetized her passion & running her own biz.

Every time I read her book, it not only motivates me but also  inspires me to take action on the ideas I have, like really putting the hours to do the work.

It works like a charm every time. 

Everything is Figureoutable is like my anti-procrastination pill.

Feels like she wrote that book just for me, soo damn relatable. 

Know more about her book here Everything is Figureoutable.

The best thing about some great books : 

That author doesn’t even know uh, but take the whole responsibility to show uh the path, shares how they overcame the problems you have, encourages n inspires you & also warn you about the blunders to avoid along the path. 

You only need one right book that resonates with you, it will do all the magic. 

There will always be ups & downs during your journey to becoming the person you wanna be. Books that you relate with, will nurture you like a baby in hard times, inspires you & helps you get back up & try again.

Other recommendations :

  • Wannabe writers or content creators: Read Show Your Work by Austin Kleon
  • Marketing & copywriting : Read the works of David Ogilvy or Gary Halbert.
  • Starting your company : Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance, you’ll know his journey through 3 successful companies, his work ethic, some tragedies & secrets. Skip the intro of this book & skim around & read what seems interesting to you.

That’s my setup , it worked for me &  I recommend it. If you’re like me, you can just skip pass all the effort & try mine. 

  • Listen to Jim Rohn or Gary Vee on the background while you work, spark the right mood & get things done.
  • Read Everything is Figureoutable when ever seem lost or Procrastinating on your ideas for too long. It will give you the courage to get back up.

For the rest, Here’s the thing , we’re all unique. What worked for me may or may not work for you.

So here’s what I truly suggest,

Remember the times when you accidentally got into the flow stateanalyze itdraw conclusions & be crazy enough to try them out purposefully.

You will be shocked, how incredibly easy it is, to do the work you’ve always wanted to do, when you spark the flow state of yours. 

Thanks for reading! I hope this will help you in your journey of becoming the person you dream to be.

Vignan Kurme.