This happened on Aug-2-2019 and I decided to share it with you.

You love your mom & she is the most precious person in your life.

Mom has always been my First Love & probably the same with every son out there.

When I say that this Simple action could make your mom Extra Happy Every day, I Mean it.

I got a call from Mom & while I was having a conversation with her.

My Dad took the phone and said ” Nani, your mom’s face is glowing much brighter & happier with Pride”.

I know she loves me a lot but I didn’t know what’s so special? What’s the Reason?

He said ” Do you remember what your caller tune is? “

What⁉️ Ohk. I got it Dad, the Reason behind her Happiness.

Whenever she waits for me to answer the call, she would not hear the bass-filled rock music.

Instead, she hears a very pleasant ” I Love You, I Love You, I Love You Mummy ” tune that reminds her of My Love.❣. The song below.


If I’m honest, Nobody gives a damn if I use the trending songs as caller tunes.

So If I can bring a lil smile on her beautiful face, Why would I leave it in Hell?

Every Wonderful Mother Deserves to be reminded & We don’t need a Mother’s day to make this happen.

If you’re already doing this, you’re fantastic. Thanks for reading. See you soon.
